Due to the collapse of the Tower people’s first reaction is emotional collapse and despair, and then total purification. This card calls for humility, and frees us from immature arrogance. The catharsis caused by the collapse of the Tower gives us a sense of freedom, it represents a new beginning, a new period of peace and joy which is about to kick off. It is important to note that the Tower can collapse over and over again during our lives, because being a human means that we keep making mistakes. Our task is to constantly fight on and learn from them.

In this card the naked Goddess of the truth is looking at the water, which represents the time of inquiry of the soul and a time of reflection. We get an opportunity to solve our problems and become more mature. We have to meet with the Goddess in order to be able to leave behind our mental garbage – which, if we are not careful enough, will bury us.
The Goddess is balancing between earth and heaven. It means that we have to recognise (while getting rid of our illusions) that the mind and the body are two inseparable, but interdependent worlds in reality. One leg of the Goddess is on the water, which represents the miracle that happens when we reach the internal state of enlightenment and understanding. The circles that appear on the water warn us of the cycles of life that we should not ignore, that each period of our life has its own distinctive mission.
The Goddess holds in her right hand – representing the conscious - the jug from which she pours out water. This warns us to be always conscious participants in the events taking place around us, and our actions must always be conscious too. The Goddess’ bent knee symbolically suggests that we have to learn to kneel down in situations when a higher, divine help is needed. The flowing stream from the jug held in the left hand – representing the subconscious - suggests that it is time to calm down. It is time to hear, to see