One of astrology’s (both the European and the Chinese versions ) primary objectives is to map the characteristics of people, their internal and external traits, talents and abilities. The ancient Chinese science of feng shui looks for an answer regarding in which type of space will different types of people be happy and how to shape the environment around them so that it has the most positive effects. In other words, horoscopes outline character and the individual defects can be rectified with feng shui.

The Basics of Astrology
When an astrologer prepares a horoscope, it is based on a map, a map of the the sky and the position of different planets at the time of the individual‘s birth. Since most planets symbolise a characteristic of a person, the characteristic of the individual can be described using the horoscope. Depending on where a planet was at a particular hour or minute, it can change the properties they represent and the intensity of internal forces, so that those who have the knowledge can precisely outline the main characteristics of the individual. For further details of an individual’s characteristics knowledge of the ascendant can help, which actually means that at the time of our birth it is noted which zodiac sign was at the easternmost point in the sky.
The Basics of Feng Shui
The meaning of feng shui is nothing more than the science of ’wind and water’, its essence is to bring the forces of nature into line with people's lives. Its central concept is the chi,which can be described as a life force. It is essential for a harmonious, happy and healthy life that the chi and our own energy are harmonious with the energy of our environment. There are two types of chi, which complement each other, the yin and the yang. The yin represents everything that is feminine: soft, passive, dark, night. The yang is the male power, and represents the opposite of yin. All that exists in the world people, animals, plants