"The origin of the Tarot goes back to the Golden Age of humanity, whence it spread all over the world. This is why it has very old roots in different cultures. But since the Kabbalah was not unknown to the creators of the Tarot in the Middle Ages the Tarot became a tradition on the continent which, after all, follows the symbolic system of the Hebrew alphabet"
Maria Szepes

The ancient origin of tarot is unknownThe Tarot is the ”Silent Book” in which the symbols, the information and the whole complex system of rules is intended for only those people who can understand them and who are entitled to this knowledge.
In the past only the initiated could use it. The secret signs - hieroglyphics – were painted on portable boards and panels, which first came to the Gnostics, and then the Alchemists guarded the its secrets. Surely the roots of the Tarot go back to the ancients and it is certain that the Emerald Tablets of Hermes Trismegistos have a very close connection with the messages of the cards.
The ancient Egyptians used them in initiation ceremonies, but in the Middle Ages (probably with the spread of Christianity) they became less important. Only in the 17th century did it begin to be used again and was rediscovered.
The Tarot is nothing other than a prediction/prophecy card system with colourful, illustrated diagrams, although long time ago it was used as a tool to assist in meditation. The cards are distinguished from each other by the numbers and the Hebrew alphabet printed on them.
The cards are divided into two groups. The 22 pieces of the Major Arcana represent symbolic figures and scenes with symbolic meanings. The alphabets of two language families meet the character requirements of the numbers of the Major Arcana. One alphabet