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A to Z of Fortune Telling Guide

This Fortune Telling Guide is a multivolume article that is trying to help you to undersand the metods, and sings of Fortune telling better.



Exorcism at Home

After death the spirit, or soul, has 42 days to leave the body.

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Telepathy and the Power of Thought

There are sceptics who smile when they hear about this topic and there are others who try to do it.

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Energy Balls

Many more people take photos of energy balls than most people are aware of!

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Spiritual Protection Crystals

Crystals can protect us from negative forces.

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Goddess Meditation

The energy of the Goddesses could be useful in several areas of our lives.

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Spiritual Leaders

They do not occupy a physical body and are mentally more advanced than us.

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Law of Gift

The second spiritual law of success - is the Law of Giving.

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Cleaning your house

I highly recommend you clean the energy of the house about 3-4 times a year.

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