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The Wonder of Water

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s name is not unknown to those who have been thinking of the earth, and its lifeblood, water, as a living organism and as a conscious, integral part of the universe.


Dr. Masaru Emoto has become world famous with his book ‘Messages from Water’, in which he informed the world about the results of his experiments related to water, and his own conclusions drawn from those results. His main thesis is very simple, namely that water reacts to its surroundings, it immediately shows any changes in its crystal structure. A message that is stored in its crystal structure may be passed on to living creatures and organisms, including humans, by drinking this water. Information given this way will affect the drinker.

Apart from the chemical impacts, different positive and negative energies are constantly influencing our daily life. For instance, Dr Emoto noticed that the photographs of the crystal structures of water are different when classical music and heavy metal music is played in the room with the water. While classical music played the crystal structure of the water is in harmony and symmetrical, while in the case of heavy metal the crystal structure is broken and disharmonious. Sound spreads in waves, this is well known, so Dr Emoto’s experiments are not a miracle that shook the world, but his experiments and observations regarding energy transmission that could not be measured by traditional, scientific instruments was very new for the world. This could even be something like a rude comment written on a piece of paper or a softly whispered prayer

In the first experiment they put a label with the word ‘stupid’ on a glass full of water. The crystal structure of the water became “upset” and formed crystals which were separated and not in harmony - similar in structure to when they were playing the heavy metal music. They got the same result when you put a label with a serial killer’s name on the glass. Even the scientists were surprised by the results.

The effect of prayer has been analysed by scientists in Japan with the water of a lake called Fudzsivara. Originally the crystal structure of the la

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