The “ghost-behaviour” researchers divide the messages sent by spirits into two groups. The first group of spirits is comprised of souls trapped in our world who would like to send some message, or conversely they would like to get some information from us. It is believed that the trapped souls are mainly connected to places or people and they need something in order to be able to say goodbye to this world. The messages of the second group of spirits are an interaction between our world and the astral plane. They are mainly reacting to our activities and happenings but they do not initiate any exchanges of information with us.

These spirits can interfere with electrical devices in order to draw our attention to them. In this case, for example, the TV or the radio seemingly turns on by itself, or the volume changes or a disruption occurs in the screen. If our device is operating correctly then in this case this kind of phenomena could be message from the other side.
Mobile phones have received special attention regarding the study of ghostly activities recently. Especially the newly developed phones which can act strangely (e.g. turn off and on, send random messages by themselves, etc.). The experts believe all these inexplicable mobile phones activities are related to spirits. In some cases people receive calls from an unknown number, but on the other end there is only a mysterious humming sound. If the phone pirates can be excluded, try and record any kind of strange sound effects heard via your phone – as suggested by the researchers - because these messages can have a meaning later on when you replay the recorded sound effects.
If similar strange and unexplained events happen to you, always pay conscious attention to the signs. If a deceased relative or friend would like to send a message to us, unexplainable events are likely to be linked in some way to them. If we are in the car and listening to a favourite song of the d