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The Magical 6th Sense

Most people are living in the magic circle of their 5 senses – they only believe in what they can physically experience. But few of us have a special skill, which stretches the boundaries of their well-known empirical world.


The abovementioned introduction is somewhat misleading, because the fact that there are fellow human beings who are more sensitive to the outside world than others is not scientifically proven. But we tend to forget about the so-called “sixth sense” that is naturally part of us, we were born with it.

There are people who can see with the “third eye”, or people who can hear other people’s thoughts, and there are some - especially the ladies - who listen to their intuition. With regards to the latter we can catch a hint of the function of the sixth sense. It is like an inner impulse, an intuition, an inner voice that speaks within us at the right time, for example - let’s go home by another route or we think ‘do not get on that tram’, etc. We have already heard many cases where this kind of intuition could save human lives.

In the animal kingdom there are similar phenomena. Many records reveal that the dogs are able to sense the spiritual condition of their owner. Dogs are able to predict their owners’ death even if they are in a different continent at that time.

All our physical senses, of course including the “sixth sense”, can fail, be damaged or be poorly developed. However, in ideal situations we were born with the ability of innate empathy, that can gradually fade away or be completely forgotten as the years go by, by our socialisation and education.

Our sixth sense is a skill that can be developed and improved by practice like our physical skills. It is similar, in a way, to the case in which a person was blindfolded for months and he developed a very sophisticated sense of smell. We can discover our “sixth sense” by meditation, relaxation and most importantly with the assistance of a spiritual counsellor.

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