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The Law of Attraction and the Secret of Wealth

What is the secret? We keep asking this question – sometimes we ask it aloud or just to ourselves - but mainly when we see others live their lives with ease, joy and success. Is there a secret? And if there is, how can we obtain it?


Most believe that life compensates us, so if somebody has a health issue or a relationship problem, there must be another part of their life, for example work or career, that is more successful than the rest But how about others who achieve outstanding results in all parts of life with no effort? Is it possible that they are purely lucky? Or is it more likely that they are using a special technique that helps them to achieve their dreams.

The secret, the secret of life, has been in front of our noses thousands of times and it is accessible to everybody. Several great military leaders and famous people have applied this technique and have tried to teach it to others over the years. What is the reason that this knowledge is not known and used by everyone? Despite their belief it is not easy to teach it to others. People crave stability, it is difficult for human beings to change, even more people fight against any change almost unconsciously. And another typical human trait is that people tend to see bad things behind the unknown. Perhaps this is a defence mechanism; we try to be ready for the worst. But the secret is rather the opposite.

Reprogramming our thoughts

Without trying to change your way of thinking and to see the world positively, you would not believe how difficult this can be. Some people still do not believe and understand that thoughts have the power to create. Any word that we say aloud or write down has power and starts to create something in the Universe. This is why it’s so important to reprogram your brain, your way of thinking, because if you think of a bad thing, then this is what you will create, and it is true for the opposite, positive thoughts, as well.

It is also important to know that any kind of denial carries negative energy. It is worthwhile to shape our desire in such a way that includes only positive, and not negative, words. For example do not say that “I do not want to be sick!”, b

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