They received their name from their typical aura. The auras of indigo children are usually blue (any shade of blue), while the crystal children’s aura – worthy of their name - is crystal clear.
These children usually stand out clearly from their peers: they have a particular way of thinking, alternative solutions to problems and their attention wanders. Often they are mistaken to be autistic or to have the so-called Asperger's syndrome. It is a forgivable mistake as the ’symptoms’ are often the same, or at least similar.

Indigo children can be detected early by their characteristics. They often speak of spiritual leaders or their previous lives. They love nature and animals. Many of them as a child already have an innate ability to heal. They are sometimes pompous, they don’t do things that they don’t feel like doing simply because of their ‘child’ status. Despite this they have attractive personalities and huge eyes – something they are partially born with and partially acquire at an early age (relative to their peers) – they impress those around them with their knowledge.
Life is conceived as an organic whole and anything that, according to them, cannot be introduced to this complex system is immediately rejected, they do not burden themselves with such things unnecessarily. In general, the latter - the integration approach – is the one that most of the debate arose from, namely those who say that there are no such ’special’ children, since as an adult it is not easy to decide what is considered unnecessary in a child’s life and what is not.
The indigo children’s task is to prepare the ground for the crystal children. With their new kind of thinking and alternative solutions they prepare our old philosophical paradigm for a shift or change. They are the ones who will have influential positions in politics and in the academic world in order for them to effect this change of attitude.