It is also hard to find anyone who would not wish to have a time machine to travel back in time and fix or right their wrongs from the past. However, no one can erase or fix the past (although we can always change our attitude to what happened), but the future is in our hands!

Your destiny – it is not an accident, but a regular chain of causes and consequences. This tangle of causal connections is called karma. Karma is not created by God, it is worked out by people themselves as a result of the mistakes that they have made (karmic actions). Karma is not meant to be punishment from God. God just created the law of karma, which always leaves us a space to correct the mistakes that we may have made.
Karma is a school of life. It is important to study its lessons. If you leave them without attention, you will face the very same problems all the time! Your life will remain an endless circle! Negative emotions, offence, and anger play a big role in creating our own karma.
The only possible way of fixing the situation is karma’s cleaning and discharging of negative programs. This is the most correct and right way to improve one’s life.
Purification of karma is a huge spiritual work. The hardest thing here is to realize which actions of your life brought you to the current condition you are in, and what needs to be done in order to unravel the karmic knot. This can be achieved by different methods. Everyone chooses what is closest to him or her. Orthodox Christians achieve it through confession and repentance. Those who follow eastern beliefs practice meditation. But one should remember the most important thing: karma’s cleaning is not a series of spells or magical rites, which will automatically provide you bliss. You can start cleaning with small actions: you can leave donations to monastery, give alms to beggars, help others expecting nothing in return or do some positive actions. After that harder and more effective meth