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Is my child a vision child?

What could be more natural than that every healthy child sees. Many argue, however, there are some who can see more than adults. Is it only a vivid imagination, or do the so-called vision children exist?


Anyone who has not seen the phenomenon just waves it away saying that it’s only a childish fantasy or parental bias. However, those who live in close relationships with children who talk about things which we do not know or about things that are beyond the laws of the physical world or that may not even exist will probably begin a feverish search for esoteric explanations.

Almost every child fantasizes and this is not surprising. This is part of healthy psychological and social development. But sometimes kids describe scary creatures, places and happenings - even ones that you cannot imagine as an adult - with shocking accuracy and surprising seriousness.

What could be the explanation?

In some studies children up to the age of five are able to perceive an almost imperceptible world, they see the spirits of dead people, angels, and even ordinary people’s auras, or they’re able to discover water beneath the ground. People familiar with the topic explain this by saying that the soul is not born when the body arrives into this world, but long before that, and through several reincarnations a lot more knowledge and experience can be gathered. Most of this knowledge will be deleted, but the child - who is, by virtue of their young age, very close to their previous life – can remember a lot of such moments.

What are the signs?

A child's curiosity and honesty is nothing strange, for example they may not immediately warn you of a strange lady walking in the house who does not belong to the family. It is unnecessary, and even damaging, to question a child about ghosts, but if you see anything strange concerning your child - for example, looking at one point or location for a long time, waving at ‘nothing’, collecting their games in one particular place as if offering them to someone - ask them why they do it. Be careful, your questions should not be demanding, do not stir up frightened, ashamed or guilty feelings in the children! Simply consult your child and try to carefully ma

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