There are also the so-called karmic lunar nodes. Their position in the horoscope indicates the last moments of one’s past life, namely, the circumstances of his departure and the completion of implementation. It is very easy to check without the construction of a horoscope. Obsessive, phobias (fear of heights, animals, medicines, fear of death and many others) indicate a departure from the past life not in a natural way and, perhaps, in a violent way. If you look in your horoscope, the nature of your current fears will be clear, and you will understand what your subconscious memories are and what they indicate. Believe me, it will really let you get rid of your phobias, ailments and psychological problems.
The speed of each planet at the time of birth also has a definite value in karmic astrology and allows a person to fix some of his mistakes in this lifetime. This helps to get rid of some of lifes problems that follow us from time to time, such as unemployment, lack of money, pain, unhappiness with relatives, etc.

In addition to real planets astrology also uses fictitious points, calculated by astronomers and astrologers according to the coordinates of actual planets. For example, Black Moon - the most distant point of the lunar orbit - indicates a strong habit in a past life, affection, which subdued a person. By its position in the horoscope you can tell in what areas a person preferred to make a sin (unless, of course, he did not make any sin): stealing, killing, being greedy, drunk.
You can analyze the extent of your sins right now. Remember what happened to you during certain time periods of your life that are multiples of 9 years (9, 18, 27, 36 and so on years)? During these years, Black Moon creates such events which can help you to work out your karma. For example, if a person in the past used to fight, someone will beat him and if he stole he will be robbed and so on. According to the laws of Karma this "Punishment" is prefera