Gypsy cards have been used for playing card games and life prediction/fortune telling. The card cartomancy, like our life, is a process. All about energy exchange that brings forward our life.

According to the Gypsy traditions – if we see it from an energetics point of view, it makes sense too - the card cartomancy would work only if the person/customer placed money under the important cup card, because the money is energy too. The invisible energy of the money would put in motion the energy of the fate/cup due to all of our knowledge, property and everything that we have here on the earth they are only our visitors.
The main income of the Gypsy women was fortune telling, beside their work at households. Fortune telling was performed naturally and mystically. They used herbs, various herbal essences/elixirs and tea to heal sick people. They used the same herbs and tea to help their own women and men. This healing knowledge was passed from one generation to the next.
The knowledge/expertise of the card cartomancy was known by the Gypsy men also. The Gypsies usually did not perform paid fortune telling for each other, because there was at least one person in the family who could master the card cartomancy and they did not have to pay for it.