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What is happiness?

Everything living seeks happiness and aims towards satisfaction. From plants and animals to humans, all living beings are trying to find and maintain that state in which they feel the best, and which is the most advantageous for their development. What is the reason, though, that many people are unhappy? And what is happiness in general?



Tarot School - Justice – XI.

Justice is one of the four virtues that include such elements as Temperance and Strength.

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Tarot School - High Priestess - II.

The High Priestess is represented by the number 2 and is the feminine principle

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Tarot School - The Magician - I.

„I am what I am” says the tarot card that sits at number 1.

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Fortune Teller Zodiac at ESO TV 2011

Fortune Teller Zodiac shares with you all the ancient wisdom and mysteries from your Zodiac sign.

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